The two brothers stood over the dead rat and spoke in tones of awed admiration . 弟兄俩站在死鼠跟前,用又是吃惊又是赞叹的口气谈论着。
This room is furnished in tones of brown 这房间配著深浅不一的棕色色调。
" on dumbledore ' s . ” she began , in tones of outrage “听从邓布利多的? ? ”她怒不可遏地说。
He exclaimed in tones of ironic resentment 他用讽刺憎恶的口气喊着说。
" on dumbledore ' s . ” she began , in tones of outrage “听从邓布利多的? ? ”她怒不可遏地说。
When he reached the middle of the room he stood still and murmured , in tones of indescribable sadness - 他走到了房间的中间僵硬地站在那儿,用一种难以描述的悲伤语气嘟哝着说
The semantic primes and the tone - mismatch primes differed in tones of the first , the second , or both syllables 语义启动词与其配对的声调不匹配词在第一音节的声调、第二音节的声调、或两个声调上有所不同。